7 ways nonprofits use client portals

by Jun 21, 2022Blog, Client Access Portals, Nonprofit, Solutions

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When it comes to keeping your clients happy, it’s not always easy. After all, you’re not just managing their relationship with your company but also the services you provide. Nonprofit organizations are no different; they need to create a user-friendly experience for their customers while managing their organization’s backend effectively. A nonprofit client portal is a solution that can help them do both. Nonprofits are trusted and reliable organizations that work towards a greater good for society. They are typically funded by donations and grants from other trusts or foundations. Because of this, there is often an expectation that these organizations will keep operational costs low. To meet these expectations, many nonprofits have implemented client portals to increase efficiency and effectiveness in managing client relationships across departments and divisions.

7 ways nonprofits use client portals

Client Portals Can Help with Quicker Responses and Higher Customer Satisfaction

A portal helps nonprofits and charities provide better customer service. This is because the portal allows your organization to quickly respond to customers’ questions, comments, and concerns. The result is higher satisfaction among your constituents, leading to lower costs due to decreased churn and higher revenue through more referrals and repeat business.

Client portals are also great for keeping track of essential details about each client’s account or project. For example, suppose you’re running a crowdfunding campaign but don’t want every member of your team involved in the process. In that case, it may be helpful for one member of staff who knows the client well enough to serve as the “gatekeeper” between them and everyone else on staff working on this project together remotely around different time zones while ensuring that no sensitive information gets shared accidentally with others who might not have clearance yet due to lack experience working directly with this particular donor base before now.

Client portals streamline your workflow

Client portals help you streamline your workflow. The client portal is a central hub for your organization’s client and donor information, making communicating with current and former clients easier. Plus, it allows anyone on your team to access that data whenever needed.

Client portals also keep things organized. If there’s one thing we know about nonprofits is that their work never ends. There’s always something new coming up in the form of an event or fundraiser that needs planning or organizing, so keeping things organized can help prevent chaos from taking hold of your organization as projects come up left and right, especially if multiple people are working together on them. This means fewer headaches when figuring out who needs what paperwork or whether something has been done yet. Ultimately, it will help save time by giving everyone involved easier access to important documents at any given moment during the process without having too many different versions floating around at once!

Client portals can be an essential part of your marketing strategy

Client portals are one of the most effective ways to market your organization and raise awareness about your cause. A client portal helps you keep in contact with donors, which can lead to new donations, and it can also be used as a tool for showcasing your organization’s impact on society. Client portals allow donors to see how their money is being spent and how they are helping others in need. In addition to assisting nonprofits in reaching out to new donors through their online platforms, client portals allow organizations like yours to showcase their mission and impact on society.

Client portals help you go paperless

Client portals can help you go paperless. Using a client portal will reduce the amount of paper your organization consumes. Additionally, you’ll be able to:

  • Reduce the number of times that staff members need to print or copy documents for clients.
  • Save time spent searching for paper copies.
  • Reduce the time spent filing papers and organizing documents in filing cabinets and folders.

Client portals allow supports to see their impact

Supporting a nonprofit can be an emotional experience. You want to know that your hard-earned money is being put to good use, and you want to see the impact of that donation in real-time. If you’re a nonprofit that accepts donations online, you need to ensure your supporters are getting exactly what they are looking for: transparency and accountability. Client portals help achieve this by allowing donors direct access to your organization’s financial information and letting them see the impact their donation has had on the community around them via photos or videos uploaded directly from the field.

Client portals are a great tool for education

It’s not always easy to know what your clients are looking for. You may have a sense of what they need from their nonprofit, but you can never be sure if you’re providing them with the right resources or not. Using client portals to help educate clients about the services you offer is a great way to help them learn more about your organization, which can increase retention rates and expand reach in several ways:

  • It helps them understand why they should donate money or volunteer their time.
  • It gives them easy access to important documents like tax forms and other financial information.
  • It allows them access to information that might not be available elsewhere in case they lose their records.

By providing educational content through your client portal system, nonprofits can educate their current donors while also growing their base by attracting new donors who weren’t aware of the nonprofit’s existence before visiting the site!

Client portals help you stay ahead of the curve

Client portals can help you stay ahead of the curve by making you more efficient. Client portals allow nonprofits to communicate with clients and donors conveniently, making it easier for them to keep track of their needs and goals. For example, suppose a donor wants to make a donation or set up recurring donations through their portal. In that case, they can easily log in and make any necessary changes through the portal itself. This eliminates having an employee spend time on these tasks instead of focusing on other activities needed within the company.

Every nonprofit should consider using a client portal to support their clients and donors better.

Client portals are great because they are easy to use, but they help nonprofits better serve their clients and donors. Client portals make it easy for customers to find information about your organization, donate money in a secure environment, send questions or comments through the portal’s messaging system, view past donations from them on the dashboard, and much more!


Whether you’re a nonprofit that works with clients, or an organization that wants to make donor engagement easier, client portals are an excellent tool for everyone. From being able to view and manage your data to streamlining your workflow and helping you keep up-to-date with the latest technology, many advantages can be gained from using one of these platforms. Hopefully, we have given you some ideas about how your organization can best utilize this resource!

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