10 ways digital signatures can make nonprofits more efficient

by Jun 21, 2022Blog, Contracts & Signatures, Nonprofit, Solutions

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Nonprofit organizations operate with a mission to advance a cause. These nonprofit organizations are accountable to donors, members, and the public. An organization’s work must always be done efficiently and cost-effectively. That is why nonprofit organizations must implement digital solutions that enable them to become more organized and efficient in this digitized world. Nonprofits face challenges managing documents, tracking expenses, signing contracts, and other day-to-day tasks like communicating with staff or volunteers. All of these tasks can be streamlined using digital solutions like digital signatures. Here are ten ways digital signatures can make nonprofits more efficient:

10 ways digital signatures can make nonprofits more efficient

1. recruiting volunteers

One of the biggest benefits of digital signatures is that they can speed up the volunteer application process. In addition to providing a secure and easy way for nonprofits to collect information from potential volunteers, digital signatures allow them to sign up online or from home. This means that once you’ve collected contact information for potential volunteers, you can send them an email with instructions on how they can complete their applications. With a quick click of “I agree,” volunteers are approved and ready to work.

2. Consulting with doners

The easiest way to consult donors is by phone or email, but digital signatures can also be used to confirm that the donor has been consulted. This is especially useful for nonprofits that must keep track of every dollar they receive in donations and ensure they’re spending it wisely. Digital signatures allow you to document every instance where someone gives you money, making it easier for your organization to comply with tax laws and regulations. It will also help you identify potential fraud cases early on, so nothing slips through the cracks, and no one gets away with anything illegal!

3. Hiring staff

For nonprofits, hiring staff can be a time-consuming and costly process. You’ll have to go through the same steps as any other company: write and send a job description, review resumes for potential candidates, and then interview each potential candidate in person or over the phone. But with digital signatures, you won’t have to worry about sending out contracts by snail mail. Your employees will get them through an app instead of waiting for their package to arrive in the mail! Plus, if they’re hired on location instead of at your office, you’ll save even more time by not having to drive out there yourself.

4. Accepting donations

The first thing to note is that accepting donations is a vital part of fundraising. If you’re trying to collect funds for your nonprofit, there are a few different ways you can go about it. The most obvious is online donations through secure websites. You can also accept in-person donations via a mobile app if your organization has created one and has partnered with payment processors. Phone calls are still an option for those who prefer more traditional methods. Finally, donations by mail are always welcome as well!

5. Fundraising

You can use digital signatures to:

  • Allow donors to sign up and make donations online. In the past, it was difficult for donors to register on your website and make a donation. They had to fill out forms by hand or call in. Now you can streamline the process by making these transactions digital and giving them an option that doesn’t require them to leave their home or office.
  • Track donations more efficiently. Digital signatures also make tracking donations easier because they give you data every time someone donates through your site. This allows you to understand how many people have donated and how much money has been raised from each campaign. You can use this information when planning future campaigns or deciding what kinds of campaigns will work best for your organization.

6. Marketing campaigns

Digital signatures can be used in several ways to make marketing campaigns more efficient.

  • When creating a survey, digital signatures can be used to allow people to fill out the survey by simply clicking on it, thus making the process much faster and easier for them.
  • A nonprofit could use this same feature for email campaigns, where users will only need to click on an email link for it to go through rather than typing their information into boxes manually.
  • This technology can also be applied at donation events with real-time payment via mobile devices or laptops, so donors don’t have to wait around while credit cards are processed at checkout stations. They’ll just enter their name and credit card info online before donating.

7. application forms for grants and scholarships

It’s easy to create a digital signature from your computer, tablet, or smartphone is easy. You can then sign contracts and business agreements online without having to print them out, scan them back in and fax them back or mail them back. Use the same process for legal documents such as wills, trusts, and powers of attorney so that they are easier for you and others involved in your estate plan to access at any time.

8. Signing partnership agreements

You’ve probably signed a few partnership agreements throughout your career, but did you know digital signatures are a great way to sign them in real-time? Digital signatures benefit organizations with multiple locations or partners spread across different cities and countries. With just one click, you can send someone an agreement that they can accept on their computer or phone, and it’s legally binding! This eliminates the need to print out paper documents and mail them back and forth via snail mail, saving both parties time and money when working together.

9. Signing contracts with vendors and contractors

A digital signature is a way to verify that you are the person you say you are. When it comes to contracts, having this verification is essential for two reasons:

  • You want to ensure that the other party signed their name, not just typed it in on an email or faxed back an agreement with their signature already on it.
  • It makes sure no one else can sign for someone else without their knowledge or consent.

10. tracking employee attendance and hours worked

Another way digital signatures can make nonprofits more efficient is by tracking employee attendance and hours worked. Nonprofits must follow employee hours worked, particularly if they have a staff that works remotely or has flexible hours, but it’s not always easy to keep tabs on everyone. If you need to know if someone missed a deadline or not, it’s easy to find out by looking at the timesheet and seeing what time they signed in and out that day.
Digital signatures also help with scheduling and planning ahead of time when an employee is going on vacation or taking sick days. This will help your organization plan before something happens. Hence, no last-minute changes come up because an employee was unavailable at the last moment because they were sick or on vacation.


Digital signatures are a great way to save time and money, especially for nonprofits. Using digital signatures can help you streamline processes, reduce paperwork and even increase the level of security around your documents. Digital signatures are easy to implement and use in your organization, so why not make the switch today?

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