Document management improves business productivity

by Jun 21, 2022Blog, Business Processes, Document Management, Solutions

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Document management is the process of handling documents in a way that ensures they are properly stored, organized, and protected. It involves using capture devices to scan physical documents and convert them into digital format and optical character recognition software to read and index text so it can be searched. Once documents are digitized, they can be stored on various platforms, including local servers, cloud storage providers, or document management systems.

Document management improves business productivity

What are the approaches to document management?

1. Using optical character recognition software

One approach to document management is using optical character recognition software or OCR. This software can capture text from images and PDFs, making them searchable and editable. It’s a great way to digitize paper documents, but it’s important to remember that OCR isn’t 100% accurate, so you may need to proofread your documents after they’ve been scanned.

2. Using cloud storage

Another common approach to document management is using cloud storage. This means storing your documents on a remote server, which has the benefit of being accessible from anywhere. There are many different cloud storage providers out there, so it’s important to do your research and find one that meets your needs.

3. Storing documents electronically

Another option for document management is storing your documents electronically. This can be done on your computer, on an external hard drive, or in the cloud (as mentioned above). The main benefit of this approach is that it’s easy to search for and find documents when you need them.

4. Using a document management system

The fourth option for managing documents is using a document management system, or DMS. A DMS is a software application that helps you track and manage your documents. It can be used to store, organize, and share files and track who has access to which files.

Functions of a document management system


Most document management systems (DMS) offer some kind of storage function, which is usually one of the system’s main features. Storage can be divided into two categories: active and passive. Active storage is where the DMS stores documents that are being actively worked on or accessed by users. Passive storage is for documents that are not currently used but need to be stored for future reference or compliance reasons. The size and type of storage will vary depending on the organization’s needs. For example, a small business might only need a few gigabytes (GB) of storage, while a large enterprise might require hundreds of terabytes (TB). Additionally, some organizations may require special types of storage, such as archival storage for historical records.


One way to organize your documents is by date. This can be helpful if you need to keep track of when something was created or last updated. Another way to organize your documents is by subject or topic. This can be helpful if you have a lot of information on a particular topic and you want to be able to find it easily. Finally, you can also organize your documents by project. This can be helpful if you are working on multiple projects at the same time and you want to be able to access the documents for each project quickly and easily. The important thing is that you choose a system that works for you and that you are comfortable with. There is no “right” way to organize your documents, so experiment until you find a system that works for you.


There are many reasons why an organization might want to use a document management system (DMS), but one of the most important is retrieval. A DMS can help you retrieve documents faster and more efficiently, which can save you time and money. When you’re looking for a specific document, the last thing you want to do is waste time sifting through piles of paper or searching through folders on your computer. With a DMS, you can quickly and easily find the document you need, whether it’s stored in the cloud or on your own computer. You can also search for documents by keyword, so you don’t have to remember where you put them.

Version control

Version control is an important function of a document management system. By keeping track of versions, you can ensure that everyone is working with the most up-to-date version of a document. This can be especially important when multiple people are working on the same document. Version control can also help you track changes made to a document over time. By looking at different versions, you can see how a document has evolved over time. There are many different ways to implement version control in a document management system. The most basic way is to simply keep track of the date when each version was created. More sophisticated systems may use revision numbers or even allow users to leave comments about their changes. No matter how it is implemented, version control can be a valuable tool for keeping track of changes to your documents.


Security is a function of document management because it helps to protect information from unauthorized access or use. Document management systems typically include security features that allow administrators to control who can view, edit, or delete documents. By restricting access to documents, businesses can help ensure that only authorized individuals have access to sensitive information. Additionally, document management systems often allow businesses to track and audit changes made to documents, providing an additional layer of security. By using a document management system with robust security features, businesses can help protect their data and reduce the risk of unauthorized access or misuse. While no system is completely secure, using a document management system with strong security features can help businesses safeguard their data and reduce the risk of unauthorized access or misuse.

How document management improves business productivity

By automating processes: This means that you can have documents created, edited, and saved without having to do any of the work yourself. All you need to do is set up the system and it will take care of the rest for you. This can save you a lot of time and energy that you would otherwise spend on these tasks. It can also help you to avoid mistakes that can occur when doing these tasks manually. In addition, it can help to keep your documents organized and easy to find when you need them. Many different document management systems are available, so it is important to choose one that will best fit your needs.

By reducing paper waste: In a paperless office, documents can be stored electronically, which takes up far less space than mountains of filing cabinets. This not only saves on office rental costs, but it also means that staff spend less time looking for documents – they can just be searched for and accessed with a click or two. In fact, research has shown that the average worker spends between 30 minutes to two hours each day searching for information. Going paperless can help to cut down on this wasted time and make your employees more productive.

By improving collaboration: Another big benefit of document management is that it can help to improve collaboration within a business. By storing documents electronically, businesses can allow multiple users to access them at the same time. This can make it easier for teams to work together on projects.

By reducing storage costs: Organizing and storing documents can be a costly endeavor for businesses. The cost of paper, printer ink, and physical storage space all add up. But document management can help reduce those costs and improve productivity in your business. With document management, you can scan and digitize all of your documents. This way, you’ll save money on paper and ink, and you won’t need to use as much physical storage space. You can also share digital documents more easily than physical ones, saving time and increasing productivity.

Benefits of document management over paper-keeping

The first benefit of document management is that it is more secure than keeping paper documents in a filing cabinet. With a digital system, all your documents are stored behind a password-protected login, meaning that only authorized personnel can access them. Additionally, most document management systems include security features such as encryption and activity logging, which further protect your sensitive information. In contrast, anyone who has the key to your filing cabinet can easily snoop through your papers and potentially take or tamper with important files. If you want to keep your business’s confidential information safe and sound, investing in a document management system is the way to go.

Another benefit of document management is that it can help you be more efficient with your time. With paper documents, you have to physically search through each one to find the information you need. This can be very time-consuming, especially if you have a large number of documents. With document management, you can quickly and easily search for the document you need using keywords or other criteria. This can save you a lot of time and frustration. In addition, document management systems typically allow you to share documents with others easily and securely. This can further improve efficiency by eliminating the need to print and hand out paper copies. Overall, document management provides many benefits that can help improve your efficiency and productivity.

Third, document management helps you stay organized. A paperless office is easier to keep organized. When all your documents are in one place, it is much easier to find what you need and stay organized. A paperless office also helps the environment by saving trees. Document management software makes it easy to convert your paper documents into digital files. You can scan your paper documents and save them as PDFs or images. You can also create electronic forms that you can fill out on your computer. Document management software makes it easy to store, organize, and share your digital files.

Fourth, document management saves time. The average worker spends about two and a half hours each day looking for misplaced documents. And if your business still relies on paper documents, the search time is probably even longer. Document management systems (DMS). DMS can help you track and manage all your business’ digital files in one central location. Not only does this save you time, but it can also help boost productivity and efficiency across your entire organization.

Fifth, document management reduces costs. The average office worker spends approximately two hours each day looking for documents. This wasted time costs businesses money in terms of both productivity and employee morale. In fact, a recent study found that document management can reduce these types of costs by up to 50%. There are many ways to reduce the cost of managing documents. One way is to use document management software (DMS). DMS helps businesses track and manage their documents electronically. This means that businesses can access their documents from anywhere, at any time. Additionally, DMS makes it easy to share documents with employees, clients, and partners. Another way to reduce the cost of managing documents is to outsource document management services. This option is often more cost-effective than traditional in-house document management. By outsourcing document management, businesses can focus on their core competencies and leave the management of documents to a professional service provider.

Finally, document management is eco-friendly. The average office worker uses about ten thousand sheets of paper every year. If your business or organization is like most, this number is only going to grow as time goes on. Not only is all that paper bad for the environment, but it’s also a huge hassle to keep track of. Document management systems help you digitize and organize your documents, making it easy to find what you need and eliminating the need for paper copies.


Overall, document management can help any company become more organized and efficient. By improving communication and collaboration, as well as reducing the amount of time spent searching for documents, businesses can increase their productivity significantly. In today’s competitive market, any edge that a company can get is worth exploring. Document management may not be the silver bullet that solves all of a business’s problems, but it is a valuable tool that can help organizations run more smoothly.

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