Now more than ever, user-friendly solutions to business management and employee organization are a necessity. Human error and time management can mean the difference between retaining or losing clients, meeting or missing company goals, and completing projects on time. Business Process Management Software (BPMS) helps eliminate human error and assists both employees and administrators with time management which allows companies to focus their resources towards tasks vital to their success.
Automating Tasks and Processes
One of the main ways in which BPMS assists with eliminating user error is through the automation of tasks and processes. Administrators can develop automations to assist users with monotonous tasks that are often time-consuming and routine, such as document filing and sorting, which can be completed automatically upon the BPMS receiving a new document. Finding documents is simplified using a flexible and dynamic search feature paired with collaboration tools like document-based chat systems and subscription notifications. All of these can be scaled up or down based on a business’s needs.

Streamlining Software
Secondary to automating document tasks, BPMS provide the ability to eliminate peripheral software applications that may be time consuming for users to learn and master. Software programs like Adobe Acrobat used to create forms, email templates in outlook, file shares and mapped drives for team content, and the security policies that must be configured in conjunction with these items – are all made readily available in BPMS.
Finally, for administrators, BPMS allows for the auditing of documents and document handling through document events and reports, which allow management and administrators to better understand where money-draining business practices and time wasters originate from. BPMS also offers the ability to correct these issues by implementing adjustments directly to an existing configuration where any necessary testing and transitioning into production can be completed in far less time than traditional methods.