5 reasons project management is a good career choice

by Jun 2, 2022Blog, Project Management, Solutions

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Project management has become a viable career choice because of its demand and demand-supply ratio. It is not just a temporary phase for those with an inclination for it. With the demand for project managers on the rise and the shortage of PMs, the demand-supply ratio is only increasing. There is a lot of pressure from businesses to supplement the shortage with more qualified people. But what makes a project manager a good career choice?
Why Is Project Management a Good Career Choice? A project manager not only ensures the completion of a project on time and within the budget but also delivers on the expectations of the business. A project manager is responsible for coordinating the efforts of all the other team members to complete the project on time. It is a challenging role but also a rewarding one. Here are some excellent reasons why you should consider becoming a project manager as a career choice.

Who is a project manager?

Essentially, a project manager is a person you can blame when things go wrong. When things do go wrong, they’re also the person who will do everything in their power to ensure that they don’t go wrong again. They’re the people who are constantly asking questions: “How much time do we have?” “What exactly does this project entail?” “What’s our deadline?” “Whose job is it to create this thing?” “Who has the authority to make decisions about what this thing looks like?” “Do we have enough money to get this done on time and with quality?” etc.

At its core, project management is about helping a group of people work together to accomplish a goal. It’s ensuring that everyone knows what’s expected of them and when it’s expected by and making sure that all the pieces come together quickly. Often, it requires the PM to be a leader—someone who can take charge of a team and get them moving even if they don’t want to be moving; sometimes, they need to be a taskmaster—someone who can keep track of dozens of pieces at once and keep them all moving in the right direction; sometimes they need to be an advocate—someone willing to stand up for their team.

Here are the five reasons you should consider project management as a career choice:

5 reasons to consider

1. It’s one of the most in-demand roles

A project manager is a critical position in any organization. This title has been popularized by the tech industry, but it’s a role that can be found in numerous sectors and industries—and it can be applied to virtually any task or assignment. Even hotel managers consider themselves project managers because they are responsible for overseeing teams within their organizations and ensuring all aspects of the project meet defined parameters.

Project management as a career path also offers plenty of room for advancement, with opportunities for more responsibility, higher salaries, and other perks along the way.

It requires a lot of training and education before you get started.

Project managers must have extensive knowledge about all aspects of an operation, from HR laws to marketing strategies to software programs used by company employees. The job requires more than just managerial skills; it requires advanced education and comprehensive understanding that covers many different areas prospective employers may need assistance with on any given day.

2. You can earn loads of money

Have you ever wished you could find a way to earn good money doing exciting and challenging work? You’re not alone. It’s not easy to find a job that pays well and is also consistently engaging, but there is one field where this is common—project management.

Project management allows you to work with people, technology, processes, and more. Every day will bring new challenges as you keep your team on track while working towards a common goal. The best part is that it all pays great money: the Project Management Institute reports that the median salary for project managers in the U.S. is $104,000 per year (salaries vary according to location).

There’s a lot more than just good pay involved in being a project manager. Project management isn’t just about overseeing the tasks at hand—it’s about organizing and guiding every aspect of your team’s work. This can include everything from making sure supplies are on hand to negotiating budgets with executives who don’t want to spend any money. You’ve got to be willing to take charge of situations and help others do the same when things get challenging or confusing. Project management could be for you if you’re ready for a job that’ll keep you on your toes!

3. The industry is growing

Project management is one of the fastest-growing industries globally, and it doesn’t show signs of slowing down. According to the Project Management Institute report, 15.7 million new jobs will be created through 2020 in seven project-intensive industries across nine countries. This represents a 33 percent increase over 2006 numbers, which means that project management is currently second only to information security analysis as one of the fastest-growing professions globally. Currently, there are more than two million unfilled positions for project managers worldwide—in other words, there’s plenty of room for you to contribute your skills and get paid well for doing it!

Project management is one of the most in-demand skills.

Even if you’re not looking to make a career switch right now, knowing how to run projects successfully and communicate with your team can never hurt your prospects at work or elsewhere. Besides that, fulfilling your responsibilities during tough times (e.g., when someone calls out sick) may also put you on good footing with your supervisor(s).

4. There are lots of jobs

One of my favorite reasons to become a project manager is that there are plenty of job openings. According to a recent report, about 22 million people work as project managers. Project management is also one of the most popular fields for remote work. An increasing number of companies require project managers to work at least some of the time remotely.
Project manager jobs are plentiful because there’s no single path to becoming a project manager. While some employers require applicants to have a bachelor’s degree (usually in business or computer science), many will accept candidates with less education if they have significant experience working on projects and leading teams.
Several different job titles fall under the umbrella term “project manager.” The role varies according to the industry and specific responsibilities of each position. A few examples include:

  • Quality Assurance Manager
  • Agile Project Manager
  • Business Intelligence Analyst
  • Product Manager

5. It’s a fun, varied Job

Have you ever had a job that felt like it required doing the same thing repeatedly? If so, you’ll appreciate the variety of tasks that come with being a project manager.

You might find yourself working in the office one day and out in the field with a team of engineers on another. You could be negotiating contracts in one week and then helping to ship products to customers in another. That kind of variety is commonplace for people in this role—and it can help you stay engaged at work when you have many different things to do throughout each day.

This variety also comes through in your interactions with coworkers. Project managers don’t just spend their time with other PMs; they’re constantly working with people from all departments across a company—from developers and designers to marketers and customer support teams. Working well with others is an essential part of this role because success often hinges on how well you collaborate across teams and lead them.

If you want to work in a role that’s in demand, here’s why project management might be right for you

In today’s economy, there are many reasons to consider a career in project management. Its growth rate is among the highest of all industries and is expected to grow even faster in the coming years, according to PwC. The job market for project managers is virtually always good. Its major employer—the federal government—has prioritized it as an essential skill that every American needs to have. Additionally, as the government tries to cut back on spending, more projects will be handled by private contractors who require project managers to keep their budgets confidential and within certain limits.

It’s essential for you to consider your motivation for becoming a project manager when choosing a career path. For example, if you want a stable income from a regular schedule of 9-5, then project management might not be right for you because you’ll need to get up at those ungodly hours anyway. If, however, you like being able to set your hours and work on cool projects with interesting people without worrying about commuting each day or being tied down by long-term employment contracts, then this could be your calling. You’ll also likely find yourself surrounded by intelligent colleagues who can help you develop as both a leader and team player while having fun at work.


The above are some excellent reasons why you should consider being a project manager as a career choice. It is a challenging role and will require you to learn new things, make good money, and have flexibility. However, it is also demanding and comes with a lot of responsibility. Project management is a good career choice because it is a challenging role with good pay and challenges. It is also demanding, and there are many responsibilities. To make the most out of your project management career choice, you will need to find a company that suits your needs and personality. You can also hire a project manager coach to help you with this challenge.

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