5 popular project management methodologies you should read

by Jun 2, 2022Blog, Project Management, Solutions

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With so many project management methodologies out there, it can be challenging to know which one will work best for you and your team. Each method has its own unique structure, processes, and style, which is why it’s essential to understand the pros and cons of each one before choosing one as your team’s permanent process. Working in a fast-paced environment with changing needs can be challenging no matter your industry. It’s easy to get caught up in daily tasks without having a structured plan for your projects and upcoming milestones. The right project management methodology can help keep all team members on the same page while also keeping track of progress with measurable goals and timelines throughout the completion process.

5 methodologies


Waterfall is a sequential design process. This means that it starts at the beginning of the project and continues towards its end. It’s an excellent choice for projects where all of the requirements are known at the beginning because it takes care of everything in order. Waterfall is also suitable for small projects that don’t require much change once they’re underway. Still, if there are any unexpected developments or changes during your project’s course, you’ll need to go back and do things over again in some cases.


Agile is a project management methodology that uses short development cycles called sprints to focus on continuous improvement in developing a product or service. It’s often used in software development, where it can help developers respond quickly to changing requirements, but agile development can be applied to almost any project. The Agile Manifesto was first published in 2001 by 17 people from various organizations who were frustrated with traditional waterfall-based methodologies. They felt that these would slow down the pace at which new products could be developed and increase costs due to unnecessary requirements gathering before any actual work began.


If you’re looking for a framework that allows you to manage the development of complex products, then Scrum is the best communication tool available. The Scrum framework has been used by over 85% of companies worldwide. Scrum is a role-based, team-based framework that focuses on work in progress limits, timeboxing, and iterative delivery. This methodology has three roles: Product Owner, Development Team Member, and Scrum Master.


Kanban is an Agile methodology that emphasizes visualization and limiting work in progress. It’s an incremental and evolutionary approach, not a strict process. Kanban practitioners use sticky notes or index cards to create a visual system of the workflow; the Kanban board has one column for each step in a project, with labels such as “in progress,” “ready for review,” and “done.” Each card represents work that needs to be done at that stage of development. Cards are moved through the columns by managers who decide when they’re ready to move on to the next stage. This makes up how much work there is at any given time.


Lean project management is a method that focuses on customer value. It emphasizes the value of the project to the customer and uses that information to determine what needs to be done and when. This strategy is based on continuous improvement and requires regular analysis so that teams can adapt their plans as necessary. The Lean methodology was developed by Toyota, which has since become known for its lean production techniques. In fact, many people now use “Lean” interchangeably with “Toyota Production System.” The two terms are not synonymous; they’re just similar enough that they’re often used together in practice.

Extreme Programming

Extreme Programming (XP) was born in the late 1990s, and it’s now used by companies around the world to deliver high-quality software quickly. Suppose you’ve never heard of Extreme Programming before. In that case, it’s an Agile methodology that aims for rapid delivery of high-quality software—in other words, getting something into production as soon as possible so customers can use it and provide feedback on what needs improvement. This helps teams learn how to do things better over time and ultimately build a better product.

One of XP’s core principles is short feedback loops: using small projects that can be completed in a matter of hours or days instead of months or years. These shorter cycles allow you to identify problems sooner than if you’re working on larger projects over more extended periods; they also give development teams more opportunities to respond quickly when something goes wrong or doesn’t meet user expectations.

It’s essential to know the differences in project management methodologies because what works for some projects may not work for others.

Knowing the differences in project management methodologies is vital because what works for some projects may not work for others. A sequential design, such as Waterfall, works well if you have a clear vision of what you want to accomplish, and it’s unlikely that your goals will change. An iterative approach like Agile or Scrum is a better fit in situations where you need to adapt to changing needs quickly. On the other hand, Kanban and Lean are more suited for projects where requirements are fixed, and the scope isn’t likely to change much.


No matter which methodology you choose, it’s essential that you consider your needs and the needs of your project. Some methods are a better fit for certain industries or types of projects than others. And no matter which methodology you choose, you’ll need to tweak it to fit your team best. Once you get started, remember to be flexible and open-minded as you work through the process.

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