What are The Seven Principles of Business Process?

by Jun 6, 2022Blog, Business Processes, Solutions, Workflows & Approvals

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Business processes are the underlying practices that make up running a company. They are the tools, processes, and norms companies use to run their day-to-day operations.

Business processes are not merely the technical, operational, and managerial functions that run a business. A business process is a structured series of steps that management follows to carry out a specific business objective. They are the unseen, day-to-day routines that help companies function.

In this article, you will learn the seven principles of business process, which will help you take your day-to-day operations as a company and transform them into a sustainable business process.

What are The Seven Principles of Business Process?

Business processes are the underlying practices that make up running a company. They are the tools, processes, and norms companies use to run their day-to-day operations.

Business processes are not merely the technical, operational, and managerial functions that run a business. A business process is a structured series of steps that management follows to carry out a specific business objective. They are the unseen, day-to-day routines that help companies function.

In this article, you will learn the seven principles of business process, which will help you take your day-to-day operations as a company and transform them into a sustainable business process.

  1. Define and agree on your goals

The first principle of the business process is to define and agree on your goals. If you are trying to improve your business process, you need to make sure that you know the outcome. You need to define the goal of your business process and decide how you will measure it so that you can see whether or not you have achieved it.

Once you have decided on a goal, you can look at your process and identify what needs to change to achieve that goal. The best way to do this is by using a theme for each stage of the process so that you can analyze each step.

For example, if you want your business process to be quicker, then each stage of your business process needs to have a set time limit – if it doesn’t reach this time limit, it is not working correctly. This is true for all areas of your business process – if one area isn’t working, there is no point in carrying out the rest of the process.

  1. Identify the workflow

The workflow is the sequence of steps that must be performed to complete a business process. It is essential to identify the workflow in business processes because it represents how work gets done.

Workflow occurs in all organizations, whether they are for-profit or not-for-profit, large or small. Workflow can be complex or straightforward, written or unwritten, formal or informal. Workflow can be considered at the overall business process level and the individual task level.

The overall process level describes activities that span departments and functional areas within an organization. Each step of a process may depend on another step or may occur independently of other steps. Some steps may be critical, while others may not be as critical. If a crucial step fails to happen, the entire process could fail. For example, suppose a customer’s check is never deposited into their account. In that case, payment will never occur even though other parts of the process will continue to function (e.g., inventory might be pulled from stock).

The first step in improving a business process is to understand it. Laying out the entire workflow is one of the best ways to do this. Identifying the steps and how they interact can help you see where things are working well and what needs to be changed.

The primary goal of business process workflow is to ensure that every task that needs to be done is completed in the correct order and at the right time so that the overall process can proceed smoothly. There are two main ways to approach this:

  • Document-centric workflow, where the focus is on moving documents through their lifecycle efficiently and completely.
  • Task-oriented workflow ensures that the correct person completes tasks related to a project or process at the correct time.

In both cases, identifying and organizing tasks into workflows helps you manage them more effectively.

  1. Establish your roles

What are your responsibilities? What are the duties of your employees? As a business owner, you’re likely to wear many hats. But when it comes to business processes, it’s vital to have clearly-defined roles and responsibilities for everyone involved in the process.

The importance of roles in business processes

Like any other tasks, business processes should be properly planned and executed from start to finish. For this to happen, you need to establish roles and responsibilities for each person involved in the process. When there’s not a clear understanding of who is responsible for what, it can lead to more problems.

For example, if two people have conflicting ideas about their responsibilities for managing a project, it could cause delays or confusion over how to complete specific tasks. If a business doesn’t have an employee handbook that outlines roles and expectations for each position, it could lead to misunderstandings between managers and employees. And even worse – an employee could get fired because they didn’t know they were supposed to do something!

  1. Create a culture of collaboration

A business process is nothing if not a series of tasks. To make it successful, though, it needs collaboration. This may mean that you have employees collaborating and customers to complete work. It could also mean that you have customers and suppliers collaborating to give the company what it needs.

Collaboration is the key to a successful business process. You will find it easier to collaborate when you have created a culture that welcomes feedback and criticism from all stakeholders and encourages everyone to take ownership of the process.

  1. Balance flexibility and stability

Every business is different and will have varying needs for flexibility and stability in its operations. This is why it is important to have a balance between the two principles of business process management.

When it comes to flexibility, you want to ensure that you do not over-commit in any area. This is because you may end up with a business process that is less stable due to constant changes in operations. With stability, you want to ensure that you do not go too far in the opposite direction.

Stability is important because it helps you maintain the same processes over time. This will help you reduce the risk of disruptions and make it easier to react to changes in demand.

  1. Estimate and determine the time required

The last principle of business process management is estimating and determining the time required. With all of the other principles in place, you will now be able to establish the workflow, the roles, the time required, and the resources needed to complete the work.
With this information in hand, you will be able to determine the time required to complete the workflow and the resources necessary to complete the work.
At this stage, you will also need to take into account the variability in the workflow to determine the risk and uncertainty involved in the workflow.

  1. Measure performance

When you have completed your business process, you will want to review the results. You will want to know if the business process was able to achieve the goals that you set out for it.

To do this, you will want to consider measuring the performance of the business process. This will help you determine if the results that were expected from the process are what you are now receiving.

It will also help you measure the effectiveness of the business process and identify areas where improvements can be made to improve the business process.

Why is understanding the business process important?

Business processes are the backbone of any company. They make a company unique, and they are critical to a company’s success.

If you want to manage a company’s resources efficiently, you must understand how they are structured. If you want to make informed decisions, you must understand the process.

This is especially true in the area of project management. In order to successfully manage projects, you must understand how they are structured.

In order to manage projects, you must understand how they are structured. This is especially true in the area of project management. In order to successfully manage projects, you must know how they are structured.

This is especially true in the area of project management. In order to successfully manage projects, you must understand how they are structured.

Avoid common mistakes

One of the biggest mistakes businesses make regarding business processes is a lack of training and knowledge. A company can have the best structure globally, but if no one knows how to use it, it will be useless.

Another mistake businesses make is to try to bring in a new process as an emergency measure. A new approach doesn’t have to be a permanent part of a company. It can be a way of rethinking how a company operates, and it can be used temporarily when necessary.

However, don’t try to bring in a process as an emergency measure. That’s simply wrong. You must be prepared to manage a process when it is needed. That requires careful planning.

Make sure you cover every step.

A process can be a good thing, but it can also be bad. It can help companies function more efficiently, but it can also make a company rigid and inflexible.

A business process must cover every step of the process. This means that each step must have its process.
If a process does not cover a step, the company will have no idea what to do to complete it. This is one of the most common mistakes businesses make.

It is easy to think that a new process will solve all your problems, but it must be applied correctly.


Business process management is an essential part of modern business. The principles of business process management can help you improve the efficiency of your operations, reduce the risk of disruption, and improve your customer experience.

The most important thing to remember when it comes to business process management is that it is a process. If you rush into implementing business process management, you are likely to end up with a bad implementation that will likely fail.

The seven principles of a business process can help you improve the efficiency of your operations, reduce the risk of disruption, and improve your customer experience.

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