Creating and Managing Folders

by May 26, 2022Basic Setup, Dealing With Documents

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Nucleus One has a customizable folder structure to meet your needs.

Creating Folders

In order to create new folders in Nucleus One, you must belong to a project.

  1. Go to the Projects page.
  2. Expand the Project in which you want to add folders.
  3. To add your first folder, right click “Documents”.
  4. Click “New folder”.
Creating a Folder
  1. Enter the folder name. Optionally share the folder with other people by selecting them from the drop-down menu, or entering their email address in the “Share with people” field.
  2. Click CREATE.
Folder Settings

Creating Sub-folders

  1. Expand “Documents” and any folders beneath it until you arrive where you want to create the new folder.
  2. Right click on the folder name within which you want to create the new folder.
  3. Click “New folder”.
Creating a Subfolder
  1. Enter the folder name.
  • Optionally share the folder with other people by selecting them from the drop-down menu or by entering their email address in the “Share with people” field.
  • NOTE: subfolders are automatically shared with the same people as their parent folder.
  1. Click CREATE.

Renaming Folders

To rename a folder, you must be the folder’s creator or an Organization Admin, Project manager, or Department manager where the folder exists.

  1. Navigate to the folder you wish to rename.
  2. Right click on the folder name from the list.
  3. Click “Properties & sharing”.
Creating a Subfolder
  1. Change the name in the Name field.
  2. Click UPDATE.

Adding/Removing shared members

  1. Click Properties & sharing in the folder you wish to update following steps 1 – 3 in the Renaming Folders section above.
  2. Click the X to remove shared members. If the shared member is inherited, they cannot be removed from this folder without removing them from the parent folder.
  3. Select people from the drop-down menu, or enter an email address in the “Share with people” field.
  4. Click UPDATE.
Update Folder

Deleting Folders

In order to delete folders in Nucleus One, you must be the folder’s creator or an Organization Admin, Project manager, or Department manager.

  1. Navigate to the folder you wish to delete.
  2. Right click on the folder name from the list.
  3. Click “Delete”.
Deleting a Folder
  1. Click CONFIRM if you are sure you wish to delete the folder, including all of its subfolders and documents.
Delete Confirmation

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