10 Ways To Use Project Management Software for Human Resources

by Jun 1, 2022Blog, Human Resources, Project Management, Solutions

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Human resources is one of the most critical departments in any business. The HR team is responsible for hiring and training new employees, ensuring they’re set up with benefits and company perks, and verifying their performance when it comes time to review them, among other things! Luckily, there are plenty of tools available to make your HR process more efficient and streamlined. If you’re using project management software for your business, why not find some software that is focused on helping your HR department? There are many different options out there for finding the right HR software for your company. However, if you want something that will work well with your other systems, project management software might be the perfect option! Keep reading to learn about ten ways you can use project management software for human resources at your company.

10 Ways To Use Project Management Software for Human Resources

Human resources is one of the most critical departments in any business. The HR team is responsible for hiring and training new employees, ensuring they’re set up with benefits and company perks, and verifying their performance when it comes time to review them, among other things! Luckily, there are plenty of tools available to make your HR process more efficient and streamlined. If you’re using project management software for your business, why not find some software that is focused on helping your HR department? There are many different options out there for finding the right HR software for your company. However, if you want something that will work well with your other systems, project management software might be the perfect option! Keep reading to learn about ten ways you can use project management software for human resources at your company.

To schedule interviews

In the course of your job, you’re likely to be responsible for scheduling interviews. If you’re a manager interviewing candidates for a position or an HR professional interviewing potential employees, then using interview scheduling software is a great way to track who you’ve seen, when they’re coming in, and what topics remain outstanding. You can use it as an online calendar or even sync it with your regular calendar or mobile device so that no time gets lost between meetings.

You may also find yourself working with multiple people at once, whether they are colleagues on the same team or recruiters working together on projects like hiring new employees. An interview scheduling system allows everyone involved in this process, including human resources professionals, particularly access to one central location where important announcements can be made and tasks assigned accordingly.

To manage a new hire process.

A new hire process is a great place to start using project management software for human resources. It can be used to manage all of the steps involved in hiring new employees, from creating job descriptions and posting them on sites like LinkedIn to scheduling interviews and making offers to onboarding new hires. If you’re working on creating a new hire process for your business, there are two main ways project management software can help: by helping you create a plan and schedule or by taking over the process altogether.

To create different teams and assign tasks.

Project management software can be used to create teams and assign tasks. This is a great feature for human resources, as it can be used to create different teams and assign tasks. You can also use project management software to assign individual tasks or assign them to teams. If you need external parties involved in the task, they will probably have their own tasks assigned by another team member or another department.

To collaborate on projects with external parties.

Collaboration is key to success for any project, and it’s something that you can use software to help with. The ability to share documents, assign tasks and track progress gives you a bird’s-eye view of your entire team’s work at any given time. As well as this, if you’re working with an external party, such as a vendor or subcontractor, they can also use the same software so that everyone knows what needs doing when. This allows everyone involved in the project to see exactly where things stand and how far along they’ve come. Even if they’re not all in the same office space. In addition, collaboration allows clients or customers of your company’s services or products greater transparency into how things work behind closed doors, which means fewer problems down the road.

To track vacation days and sick leave.

One of the easiest ways to use project management software for HR is to track your employees’ vacation days and sick leave. You can use it to manage leave requests, time off approvals, etc. To get started, you’ll first need a good system that enables you to keep track of who has what days off. This can be done through a spreadsheet or even just a basic calendar on your phone or computer. The important thing is knowing how many vacation days each employee has available and who has already used some or all of theirs up for the year.

To create a central database of employee information.

If you want to track information about your employees, project management software can help you do this. You can also add fields to track other information, like employee goals and personal notes. This can be especially useful if you have a big team with many employees who work remotely. You can use the database to store emergency contacts and other important info. This way, you have it all in one central location, so you don’t have to worry about misplacing important information. These databases can also help you track important employee benefits data. For example, you can track what insurance plans your employees have, how much they pay per month, and how much is covered by the company. This way, you can easily see at a glance how much you’re spending on different benefits and make adjustments as needed.

To track employee training and certification.

Another great thing that many project management software platforms can do is track employee training and certification. If you want to ensure that your employees are properly trained on the equipment and technology, this can be a great way. You can use this feature to track the training your employees have completed and where they got it from. This can be very helpful if you have an employee who has been out for a while and is coming back to work. You can use the training database to see what training they need to be up to date on the latest tools and trends. You can also use the training feature to track certification. If your employees need a specific certificate to do their job, you can use it to track when they plan to complete their certification and whether or not they have completed the process. This can help you stay on top of deadlines and ensure your team is prepared for any certification requirements.

To Set up new employees with HR packages.

If you have specific HR packages, you offer them to new employees. You can use project management software to help you keep track of which ones they’ve selected. This is especially helpful if you offer many different benefits and want to ensure each employee has selected the right ones. You can create a grid with each benefit listed and what each one entails. This way, employees can select which ones they want, and you can verify they have chosen the right ones. You can also use this feature to track the benefits your employees are currently taking advantage of, like their leave time or insurance coverage.

To automate onboarding processes.

Depending on the size of your company, you might have a lot of onboarding processes you have to follow for new employees. If you use project management software for your business, you can also use it for your HR department to automate these processes. Many project management software platforms have workflows built-in, which you can use to automate your onboarding processes. For example, when an employee is hired, you can assign them to a team within the software. Then, you can follow the pre-built workflow to assign the team to assign tasks to the new hire. This can help you keep track of the tasks that need to be completed and who is responsible for them. It can also help you keep an eye on what stage each task is at so you know when it’s been completed. These workflows can also be helpful when it comes time to complete employee reviews. You can assign tasks to HR employees to complete throughout the year, so you have everything prepared when it’s time to review employees.

To track employee performance and conduct reviews.

Every year, you should sit down with each of your employees and conduct performance reviews. This way, you can let them know how they’re doing and where they can improve. You can use project management software to help you keep track of employee reviews. Many project management software platforms have a way to assign tasks to team members and track their progress, which is perfect for keeping track of when reviews need to be completed. If you use an online platform for your reviews, you can even complete them online, which is easier for employees.


When it comes to using project management software for HR, there are plenty of benefits. One of the most important things is that it can help you keep track of employee data and essential company information. It can also help you automate and streamline many of your HR processes, like onboarding. So, if your company is looking to upgrade its HR process or if you’re in charge of finding new HR software, it might be a good idea to take a look at project management software.

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